Starting Your College Search: A Three Part Series

January 20, 2019

Each year, January brings a new set of weight loss, home organization, and fitness goals for most Americans. However, if you are a junior in high school, no goal is more important than planning a path to your future! Parents, you are likely focused on this goal of your child’s as well.

January represents a great starting point in many ways – new semester, new calendar year, and the perfect time to begin a college search. I recently took a few minutes to reflect on how to best advise families and students starting out on their college search. So, if you and your family are ready to get going – and believe it or not, it’s time to get going – follow the suggested steps in this blog series. You can thank yourself later for getting ahead of the game!

The tips provided in Parts 1-3 will guide you to a strong foundation in this important spring semester as you launch your search to Find the Right College:

Part 1: 3 Ways to Help Parents and Teens Communicate
Part 2: Do A Critical Review of Your 5 Key Application Components
Part 3: Plan Your Standardized Testing and College Visits

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